Pansies in a Clay Pot
Pansies in a Clay Pot
Peony Landscape
Peony Landscape
Portrait of Dakota
Portrait of Dakota
Red Bee Balm.JPG
Underwater Dahlias
Underwater Dahlias
Gio's Genuine Apricot Ale
Gio's Genuine Apricot Ale
Good Flying Weather No. 2
Good Flying Weather No. 2
Georgia's Genuine Ale
Georgia's Genuine Ale
Dakota in Front of the House
Dakota in Front of the House
Good Flying Weather
Good Flying Weather
Mother Warrior
Mother Warrior
Flying Flowers
Flying Flowers
DahliasDahlias oil on canvas 29 1/2 x 25 1/2My flower paintings are literally grown in my garden. I plant and cultivate the flowers and then I paint them. This painting '‘Dahlias” is the first of a series of paintings of dahlias. It is based on a set of images of cut dahlias in a clear vase.
Perseveranceoil on canvas, 2020
Pansies in a Clay Pot
Pansies in a Clay PotPansies in a Clay Potoil on canvas, 24 x 36My flower paintings are literally grown in my garden. I plant and cultivate the flowers and then I paint them. This painting '‘Pansies in a Clay Pot” is based on a series of images I took of my early spring pansies outside of our kitchen door.
Sammyoil on canvas, 2021
Peony Landscape
Peony LandscapePeony Landscapeoil on canvas, 30 x 24My flower paintings are literally grown in my garden. I plant and cultivate the flowers and then I paint them. This painting '‘Peony Landscape” is based on a series of images of peonies clustered in a glass vase. In painting this particular painting I felt as I were traveling into the cluster of peonies and exploring, as if entering a magical landscape of flowers.
Portrait of Dakota
Portrait of DakotaPortrait of Dakotaoil on canvas, 26 x 22
Red Bee Balm.JPG
Underwater Dahlias
Underwater DahliasUnderwater Dahliasoil on canvas, 24 x 24My flower paintings are literally grown in my garden. I plant and cultivate the flowers and then I paint them. This painting '‘Underwater Dahlias” is part of a series of paintings of dahlias based on a set of images of cut dahlias in a clear vase.
Gio's Genuine Apricot Ale
Gio's Genuine Apricot Aleoil on wood panel, 2021
Good Flying Weather No. 2
Good Flying Weather No. 2oil on canvas, 2022
Georgia's Genuine Ale
Georgia's Genuine Aleoil on wood panel, 2022
Dakota in Front of the House
Dakota in Front of the House
Good Flying Weather
Good Flying Weatheroil on canvas, 2020
PeoniesPeoniesoil on canvas, 38 x 26 My flower paintings are literally grown in my garden. I plant and cultivate the flowers and then I paint them. This painting '‘Peonies” is based on a series of images of peonies clustered in a glass vase. It is the first painting in the series of peony paintings.
Mother Warrior
Mother WarriorMother Warrioroil on canvas, 25 x 31This painting “Mother Warrior” was created in support of the 2017 Women’s March and celebrating the power of women.The Warrior Series is a series of paintings originally based on the Seven Chakras and related yoga poses with detailed imagery related to each Chakra. Additional Warrior paintings have been added to the original series which incorporate yoga poses and relate to political and social themes.
Flying Flowers
Flying FlowersFlying Flowersoil on canvas, 16 x 31
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